art of the scene

Art of the Scene & TBD – Huntsville, AL

I’ll be teaching for the local Huntsville group, HANDS. I’ve already met a couple people from this group and they are great, so I’m really looking forward to this! I’ll be teaching two classes, though the second hasn’t been decided on yet. I’ll update when it is. Art of the…

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Art of the Scene & Ichinawa – Kennesaw Kinksters

I’ll be teaching about Art of the Scene with a side of Ichinawa for the group Kennesaw Kinksters. This is a vetted event, so if you’d like to attend, be sure to read the Fetlife post about how to get vetted. This event is now capped and has a waiting…

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Art of the Scene & Ichinawa – Jackson, TN

I’ll be teaching about Art of the Scene with a side of Ichinawa for the Jackson Instructional group. this is held in a private home, so please contact the event organizers to be vetted. Fetlife event post. Class description: The kink community has grown exponentially over the last decade. New…

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