Originally posted November 2013 My submission is an aardvark. And by that I mean it has value and I don’t just give it to any Joe Schmoe with a D or an M after his name. He has to earn it! And I get to take it back if I…
April 2018
Did you know Caly’s Game is part of a larger series? If you’ve read the book, you know there isn’t much about the local dungeon that Evan frequents. Some people have asked me what it looks like, so if you’d like, feel free to take a tour of Sanctum. The…
Edited to add all the Buy links as they go live. Amazon: e-book Kobo: e-book Barnes & Noble: e-book (TBA) So, after ten days of waiting for Amazon to get their shit together, I’ve finally gotten Caly’s Game back on the shelf! You might remember from my post about Publishing Update…
Back when Caly’s Game first came out, during an interview, I was asked what I would call my fandom. So I put the question to my Fetfriends. The overwhelming answer? Trinions. I love this name because it makes me laugh and feel all warm and fuzzy at the same time! 🙂…