Quick Publishing Update!

The publisher of Caly’s Game has closed its doors, which lit a fire under my ass to get on with the indie publishing of it and other stories. Earlier this week, the rights to Caly’s Game reverted back to me and so it was officially removed from all retail sites. Now…

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SWLC Post, the Second: The Weakest Link

This post is the second in a small group of posts that all go together. If you haven’t yet, please read SWLC Post, The First: You Can’t Say No to the Universe. — This writing isn’t going to be a point by point accounting of what happened at Southwest Leather…

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FromFet: Control vs. Consent

Originally posted 29 July 2014 So this thread popped up in my feed tonight. (Edited to add, for those not on Fet: this thread was titled Who is *really* in control, and argued, in part, that the bottom in any scene has more control — all the control, really — than…

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SWLC Post, The First: You Can’t Say No to the Universe

This is crossposted on Fetlife. February 2018 Sometimes, to really understand a thing, we must know what came before. This is what came before. I. I don’t believe in God. I haven’t in a long time. I do believe that there is sometimes something that moves things into place for…

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FromFet: To Newbie, With Love

Originally posted 14 November 2011 I’ve been told that someone is telling newbies that the kink community is all about butterflies and flowers. So I thought I would give you an idea of what the community is, what it is not, and a few pointers on how to interact. This…

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What to expect here…

I hope everyone’s new year started out nice and kinky! Mine has started out nice, but I haven’t gotten to the kinky bit yet. I will though, don’t you worry! 🙂 I wanted to put a note up about what I’m going to do with this blog. I’m not going…

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Time to Ring in the Kinky New Year!

Happy Kinky 2018!! I’m glad to see 2017 go but, man, did it fly by! I’m really excited about the new year, though. I’ve got some big, kinky plans! First, I’m getting back into teaching and presenting. You can check out where I’m going to be on the Events page…

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Welcome Back! …or What had Happened Was…

Welcome back to the website! So, in 2016, while I was taking care of my grandmother, I missed the (multiple) e-mails from my hosting provider warning me that my credit card on file had expired and my hosting wouldn’t be able to auto-renew. When I did realize it, finally, my…

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